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Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore - August 29 - September 2, 2013

We made it home from our week up in the Upper Peninsula on Sunday. On Monday the kids started school and it was back to work. Then by Thursday night we were packed up and heading north again to spend Labor Day weekend camping with our friends at Sleeping Bear Dunes. It was fast turn around, but it went well.

Trip Highlights - Click to jump to that section
Mountain Biking the Dry Hill Trail - Arcadia Dunes
North Bar Lake Beach Day
Hiking the Alligator Hill Trail
Empire Fat Bike Beach Ride
Hiking the Cottonwood Trail


camping at indigo bluffs
We stayed at Indigo Bluffs last July and had a great time and we liked the location so we decided to go back again.
Mountain Biking the Dry Hill Trail at Arcadia Dunes:
mountian biking at arcadia dunes
Friday morning I slipped out of the camper early and drove 45 minutes south to the The C. S. Mott Nature Preserve at Arcadia Dunes. I had read good things about the Dry Hill Mountain Bike Trail and wanted to check it out. I found a fun and flowing single track loop that was just under 10 miles long.

From the Michigan Mountain Biking Association: "The C. S. Mott Nature Preserve is a 3,600 acre nature preserve owned by the Grand Traverse Regional Land Conservancy. The Conservancy works hard to balance the public uses offered on their preserves with the protection of nature features, unique habitats, and scenic beauty. The professionally designed (in conjunction with IMBA) single track trail follows contour lines that flow through hills of northern hardwood forest with a few open fields. Here's what local mountain bikers are saying about the Dry Hill and Chestnut Trails at Arcadia Dunes: "great trails with scenic views.", "a roller-coaster, single track thrill ride through the forest.", "sweet flowing single track with some punchy climbs and fast swooping downhills."

GoPro video of the first 3.3 miles of the trail.

The trail is all rolling and mostly hard packed single track. I think if this trail was closer to a bigger city and got more traffic it would start to loosen up and get some sandy sections. I rode in the counterclockwise, but you can ride it either way. However, I noticed that the mile markers are set in the clockwise direction. The video is in double speed so it doesn't take too long to watch.

Dry Hill Trail Map >>

Directions to the trailhead >>

the pool at indigo bluffs
While I was mountain biking the kids spent the morning in the pool. Unfortunately by the time I got back to the campground it was getting cloudy.

#2 pierce stocking scenic drive
After lunch we went to the Pierce Stocking Scenic Drive and stopped to take the annual pictures of the kids by the numbers.
#6 pierce stocking drive
Reesey sporting the tall socks.
#9 pierce stocking drive
Only a few more numbers left for Regan.
lake michigan overlook pierce stocking drive
Unfortunately it was cloudy and fog was blowing in from the lake, hiding most of the views along the drive.

sleeping bear point trail
After the scenic drive we drove to Sleeping Bear Point for a short hike. The entire Sleeping Bear Point Trail is strenuous 2.8 mile loop that is mostly soft sand. We just took the spur trail that leads out to the beach near the beginning of the trail. Following this route it is about a 0.3 mile walk to the beach.

To see photos from the entire Sleeping Bear Point dune hike click here >>

climbing the dune
Along the way the kids couldn't resist climbing the dune.
the beach at sleeping bear point
The beach looking back towards Glen Haven.
sun comes out at sleeping bear point
On the way back the sun finally came out and everything instantly went from gray to back to the bright colors that Sleeping Bear Dunes is known for.
treats from the camp store
A good find at the Indigo Bluffs camp store.

North Bar Lake Beach Day:
north bar lake beach
Saturday looked like it was going to be the best day of the weekend so we got an early start and claimed our spot on the North Bar Lake beach.
lake michigan beach by north bar lake
North Bar Lake is connected to Lake Michigan by a shallow outlet that is good for even smaller kids to play in. You really can't go wrong here, the inland beach is nice and the water is usually warmer for swimming. As you can see from the photo above the Lake Michigan beach is really nice and has a view of South Manitou Island to the north and Empire Bluffs to the south..
north bar lake overlook
Looking at our beach spot from on top of the dune on the north end of North Bar Lake.
north bar lake panoramic
North Bar Lake Panoramic.

Click here to see the larger version >>

sup on north bar lake
We spent the day swimming, standup paddle boarding, walking the beach and our course relaxing in the sun. When the kids started turning pink by late afternoon it was time to go back and find some shade.
lake michigan outlet on north bar lake
After lunch more people started showing up and they were still rolling in as we were leaving.
swimming north bar lake
I think the only time these two left the water was to eat lunch.
sand castle north bar lake
The day was not complete without a sand castle.

In the background you can see our Wonder Wheeler Wide Beach Cart. This was nice to have here because it is about 0.3 miles from the parking area to where you will want to be on the beach. To see more about the Wonder Wheeler on Amazon click here >>

Directions to North Bar Lake >>

new girlfriend
Reid talking to his girlfriend back at the campsite.

Hiking the Alligator Hill Trail:
aligator hill trailhead
The next morning we hiked the Alligator Hill Trail.

The kilns at the trailhead were built by Pierce Stocking in the 1950s. He used these to make the waste from his sawmill into charcoal that was bagged and sold in stores through out Michigan.

aligator hill trail
It is slow climb of about 1.3 miles up to the Islands Lookout.
aligator hill view
Our view was again obstructed by fog over Lake Michigan.
aligator hill bench
Resting on the bench at the overlook.
easy loop aligator hill
Heading back down from the overlook on the Easy Trail. This route makes for a 2.7 mile loop.

For more photos from this hike and a trail map click here >>

Empire Fat Bike Beach Ride:
In the afternoon while the kids were at the pool I took the fat bike down to Empire. This beach ride starts from the Empire Village Beach and goes north to the Sleeping Bear Dune. At about 4.5 miles the beach became too rocky to ride and I had to turn around. Along the way I pass the North Bar Lake outlet and bottom of the Lake Michigan Overlook on the Pierce Stocking Scenic Drive.
whitefish dinner at the cove in leland
In the evening rain moved in so we decided to make the drive up to Leland for dinner. We went to The Cove for the fresh Lake Michigan Whitefish. All 4 of the Whitefish options here are very good. The Campfire and the Garlic Parmesan above are our favorites.

All restaurants in Leland, MI on TripAdvisor >>

docks in leland mi
The rain stopped so after dinner we were able to walk the docks in Historic Fish Town. The girls were showing off their free fish necklaces from The Cove.
Hiking the Cottonwood Trail:
the cottonwood trailhead
Labor Day morning our friends packed up and left. We were still not ready to give up on the summer camping season yet so we decided to go for a hike before heading home. It was cool, cloudy and the forecast was for scattered showers, but the radar looked clear. We went back to the Pierce Stocking Scenic Drive to hike the Cottonwood Trail.

The Cottonwood Trail from the National Park Service Website: "Starting at this trailhead, you can take a l.5 mile walk on the dunes. The trail is strenuous in places but will give you a close look at the beauty and diversity of the dunes. You will see areas that are stabilized with native dune vegetation such as bearberry and buffaloberry.

This is one of the few places where you can even see a birch tree on the dunes. In some places, wind erosion has produced bowl-shaped dunes known as blowouts, while in other places, the build-up of sand has partially buried living trees. Perhaps you will see some colorful wildflowers or tracks in the sand that reveal the elusive wildlife of the dunes. Take the time to get acquainted with this unique environment. Please stay on the designated trail."

Reid took off running down the trail to find the "clues."
looking back on cottnwood trail
Looking back down the trail. With all the running we had a pretty good lead on the girls.
resting on the trail
After about a 0.5 mile of running it was time for a break.
dune climb overlook on cottonwood trail
About at halfway through the loop you come to an overlook above the Dune Climb and Glen Lake. When we arrived here we saw that the radar was wrong. In the top left of the photo you can see the rain moving in from the north.
checking out the dune view
Reesey getting a closer look at the rain.
glen lake view from cottonwood trail
The girls with Glen Lake in the background.
heading back on the cottonwood trail
Heading back as light rain started to fall.
The kids returned with the sequel to the "Walking in the Falls" song. This time it was "Walking in the Rain. "
end of cottonwood trail
After about a mile of running Reid was ready for a ride. We made it back just before the heavy rain started. We were lucky to just get a little damp on the hike.

View Cotton Wood Trail 9/2/2013 10:25am in a larger map
The track from our hike in Google Maps. It took us about 50 minutes to complete the 1.5 miles loop.
lunch at western ave grill
We planned to get burgers and Art's Tavern before heading home, but when we got there we couldn't even get in the door. It was already noon and they told us that they were so backed up from breakfast that they wouldn't be changing over to lunch for at another hour. Another sign of how much busier it has gotten up here since we first started coming.

We didn't want to wait that long so we went up the road to Western Avenue Grill and they could get us right in. We were already set on burgers so we ordered the only one they had on the menu. In the end it worked out perfect because burgers were awesome and everything came out fast.

packing up at the campsite
After lunch it was time to pack up. I realized that I forgot to take photos of our campsite so here is a quick shot of us getting ready to leave site 114. The site was on the outside of the loop and just up the road from where we stayed last year.

We like this location, but it got a little interesting on Saturday night when there was a full on dance party going on under the awning of a pop-up across the road from us. The only thing that was missing were strobe lights. We have seen a lot of interesting things in campgrounds, but this was a first. The other times we have stayed here it was pretty quiet. Although this was our fist time on a holiday weekend.

For a few more photos of the Indigo Bluffs campground see the post from our previous visit >>

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