Hunter's Point Trail
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Hunter's Point Copper Harbor Michigan - August 20, 2013

Hunter's Point Park just west of town in Copper Harbor is unique place that is worth taking a little time to explore. The point protects the west end of Copper Harbor. The shoreline is mix of smooth red rocks and big big red boulders. Our kids could have spent all morning here collecting and skipping stones and climbing around on the rock formations. The trail out to the end of the point is rocky and rooted, but other than that it is an easy hike with little elevation change. If you are looking for a little longer walk you can park at the Copper Harbor Marina and walk a crushed stone path out to Hunter's Point..


Hunters Point Trail:
hunters point boardwalk
From the parking area you head out towards Lake Superior on this boardwalk. The trail to the end of the point starts down the steps to the right.
hunters point south beach trail marker
We started on the South Beach Trail.
the hunters point trail
The South Beach Trail that runs along the shore on the Copper Harbor side of the point. There were several openings where you can walk down to the rocky shore for a view of the Harbor.
kayaker in copper harbor
A kayaker out for a morning paddle in Copper Harbor.
the end of hunters point
In just over 0.5 miles you reach the end of the point.
climbing the rocks at the end of hunters point
This is a another great place to climb around on the rocky shore.
hiking back on the north beach trail
We let Reid get out of the Kelty Backpack Carrier and walk the 0.6 miles back to the parking area on the North Beach Trail.
thumbleberries at hunters point
When we were there much of the trail was lined with ripe Thimbleberries.
lake superior view on the north beach trail
The view of Lake Superior on the North Beach Trail about 1/2 way back.
rocky beach at hunters point
When you get back to the boardwalk by the parking area you may want to take some time to explore rocky beach that curves off to the northwest. It is about an 1/8 of a mile to the rocky outcrop at the end of the beach.

View Hunters Point 8/20/2013 10:37am in a larger map
The North and South Beach Trails make a figure 8 loop that is a 1.2 mile hike. The trail is all rocks and roots so you will want decent shoes, but with little change in elevation it is a hike that kids of all ages should be able to handle. The round trip took us about 50 minutes to complete with several stops along way to check out the rock formations.

For more on this hike see: Hiking Michigan - 2nd Edition (America's Best Day Hiking Series)

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